Friday, December 23, 2005  
HAPPY FESTIVUS! Yes, december 23rd is Festivus, the made up holiday from Seinfield ( But then, every holiday was made up at some point or other! Whatever it is that brings us together with our family to enjoy good food, conversation, sharing and giving, and reflecting on all we hold sacred-- that is indeed a Holy Day!

This Christmas season has been especially busy for us, since Salina is now at work full time and can't use her days to take care of all the things that must be done to make the season bright! Joe is amazed at all the things that _don't_ get done, things he never realized Salina was taking care of every day when she was home, with no fanfare or thanks!!! Plus, we are looking to buy a house which is time consuming. Plus there seem to be more birthdays in December than other months, at least for us-- there have been at least 5 to celebrate this month besides Christmas itself! And Linda's big day is still to come!

Anyway, we went to Emma's friend Ashley's birthday party two weeks ago, which was at a temporary ice rink that is set up in Bellevue. It was SUPER fun.

So, here's some pictures from throughout this month, more probably before new year. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!